Thursday 23 April 2015

Humans : The Real Goal

On a trip to Pune.. Writing this blog as certain things clicked my mind. Thought of putting them in words.

What exactly a human being is ? Is it just another creature built by almighty or have came to existence in some way or the other ? Can't be. Isn't it so ? I mean, c'mon if the task that we as a human being do is the sole purpose of life then the whole concept of human creation is waste. We just come to this world , learn what is taught , teach the same to our next generation and depart. If time permits or we use our brains for what it is not supposed to be used , we end up adding certain flavours in those teachings so as to make it even worse.

But, what bothers me is, what next ? Are we going to continue the same trend and let our coming generations do the same and not allowing them to achieve what actually they are or for that matter we are sent for ?
No, that can't be the way. This needs to be taken care of. We need to sacrifice few so called precious moments (which actually isn't, as we are doing nothing great with that anyway) of our life, to achieve which helps the greater cause.
Greater cause varies, but at least is much more or in fact light years farther than what we consider as the real goal of our lives. If you ask me why not ? Simple answer is that the only creature in this planet with the biggest gift I.e. Mind can't be sent to earth just for the sake of feeding himself or his family. No way. For me a big NO.
Greater cause varies is something which is based on what time and situation demands. A well co-ordinated and mannered society along with the people ready and with the will power of saying and acting for US and not ME.
Both are two letter words but have a huge difference in them. Prior denotes integrity and team where the later denotes singularity or monopoly.

Friday 10 April 2015

Mess in the indian culture

I have never been a huge blogger neither have wrote any kind of literature, but yes I do follow a lot of authors and also have read enough books, to make myself feel that I can write too. Now lets start with the main topic of : Mess in the indian culture.

Mess in the indian culture

Indian culture, hailed as one of the greatest ones in the human civilisation , used to (still there, not sure) have a very unique speciallity of adapting good things or at least to have the influence of each dynasty or the visitors or businessmen or whomsoever for that matter. But, past few years have seen something which has terribly changed the scenario. Now, India which was once the Role Model of tolerance and harmony, is suddenly been criticized by world leaders and surprisingly by our own peoples for high religious intolerance, be it by any religion for any religion.

Thngs might be changing or not, few amongst us are trying to picturize the small scenes as very big issues and relate small family matters to the integrity of the country, just to make sure there influence over the peoples continue to be there.