Saturday 24 October 2015

My Life : The hiccups and the ups

Myself ! Hmmmmmm... Where shall i start ? God knows. Oh yes, God knows how my life has been. He has really made it a real roller-coaster, filled mostly with the dangerous downs and shallow happiness or the ups. All this might seem kinda negative but trust me, i am not. It's just what my life has been.

I have been through certain phases of my life which were actually not so good and may be termed as the dark ones of my life. God knows if those were the ones I had to face in this birth or there are few more are planned to bring tsunami in this small tiny life.


Despite going through few things which really went bad about me, I do had and still have so many memories and moments in life which I will cherish forever and they will always stay close to me. My Mom & Dad are without any doubt the two pillars on which my life is solely dependent on and they always will be as special to me as they are. My sisters are the ones whom i can go to whenever in trouble. Love my family. :)


Though very few, but yes whoever I got are like gems and jewels of my life. They taught me how to deal with the down moments of my life and also they gave me such moments which can't be forgotten ever in the life. Yes, not to forget, god has been real kind to me in this department and I am really thankful to him for this. Whenever any trouble doomed on me one of my friend has been in such a close proximity to me that I never really felt so bad about being hurt or being kicked by life. Thank you friends for that.
Recently, there was an incident which really took my life for a toss and I was no better than almost dead, or in better words, a walking dead body. No food, no sleep and no sense of what I was actually doing, and the worst part, none of my friends were around, then almighty got kind and sent me an angel and said, dude- care for her, and trust me i have started smiling and don't really feel about that horrible incident which took place. Thank You God !! :)

The real special one:

Yeah, just as every young heart does, i have also been to a phase where I loved someone like crazy, caring about each & every single moment of hers, like my own and in fact even more. Never thought about anything else when she comes around, and yeah, tough to believe but my mind literally stopped thinking of anything else for those miraculous two years. But, alas, then the day finally arrived when the god finally decided to make me realize the real face of that blind love and bloody hell broke upon me. Broke me apart and made me cry every single night. My heart was in tears 24*7.

Then, I must say god really became real kind to send a real angel who understood my situation and took me out of it. She really looked at me face to face and said "Ham leke aayenge tumko isse bahar." , "Mukka Khaoge", "Suno, paglao mat" , "Monu - kaha hai re monuaaaaa", etc. Dear Amo, these words are like the drops of holy water in the cracking land of my life. Can't even say thank you. All i can say is that you hold a real important space in my life and heart and no matter where you go and whatever you do, you will be special to me. Really wish you would have come in my life a bit early. May the god have been bit more merciful. But, dear god, no complaints. you have given me much more than what i deserved.


Thank You God, my family and my friends for the life you guys have made of mine. Couldn't have been possible had you all not been there. :)

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