Thursday 21 April 2016

Self-Obsession: Right Or Wrong?

Well, going by the definition that society has given, the answer to this question is always YES, a big YES. But, what if I tell you that the definition of self-obsession is not always the same what we have learnt all this time ever since our birth. No problem, we will come to that part later, for now let’s try and understand why self-obsession is bad going by the society’s words.

“Self-obsession is a state of mind, or an act of being pre-occupied with one’s own thought. In such cases people start thinking too much about themselves, starting with their look to the matter being talked upon. They want their presence made at every nook and corner of talks and life.”

Now, that we all know what exactly self-obsession is, lets elaborate on this and find out what the reason of this can be.

Reason 1. Getting to think that one is superior to all:
There are cases where an individual thinks that he/she is better than all and no one else is anything when compared to him/her. Well, to a certain extent people can understand this feeling of yours, provided you are actually good at something. But, when this crosses the line and you start defaming others for no other reason than you think that others are inferior to you. Here is when people start blaming you for being self-obsessed and not caring about other’s sentiments and feelings. (One thing to notice here is that there are two parts of this and both are nowhere dependent or are consequence of the other, though we will come back to this a little later but this has to be understood.) Now, you ask my opinion for this whether this is right or not, well, my answer is same as yours, yes definitely it is and will always be wrong.

Reason 2. Let’s get directly into the details in this case:
Let me start off with a scenario here, There is a person who is living his/her life completely alone and then there is no one else around him/her to take care or tell him/her about what they exactly need to do in order to live there life in a proper fashion. Now, since the person knows well that he/she is completely self-dependent and there can be no one who cares or for that instance gives a damn about how they look like or what they are doing with their life. Since, this is the case, that person starts thinking about himself/herself and this grows up to a level, where he/she keeps track of each single and minute detail about themselves. If not asking about others, at least they never bother anyone with their own self-obsession, if it can be called so.

So, going by the above scenario, what do you think? Is it so that Self-obsession is always wrong? Isn’t it that when the scenario is the second one, a person has no choice than to be self-obsessed? Coz that is what is needed for that person, in order to maintain proper lifestyle.

Ask me, I would say, there is a fine line where the self-obsession starts becoming bad and start annoying people around. But, please do not look at everyone who takes care of himself/herself rather than being dependent on someone to do so and at the same time is not creating any trouble for you, as being self-obsessed. May be, not everyone can understand that person’s situation and his/her image in the society starts getting deteriorated with just one comment of yours.

Thanks for reading, Do let me know your thoughts on this.